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- Article IV - Vacancy | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > ByLaws > Article lV - Vacancy ARTICLE IV - VACANCY 1. All vacancies on the Board are to be filled by appointment by the Board of Trustees and shall serve until such time as a replacement may be duly elected. Article IV - Vacancy: About Us
- About Us | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > Policies and Procedures Converse County Senior Citizen Service District's Policies and Procedures This special district is governed as defined under the laws of the State of Wyoming, specifically Wyoming State Statutes 18-15-101 through 18-15-111. These laws can be found at this link: Legislature of the State of Wyoming wyoleg.gov These policies have been adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Converse County Senior Service District. They are not all inclusive and new policies and / or amendments may be put forth at any time by a trustee to further the mission or clarify operations of this District. Adopted this 13th day of September 2021. Policies and Procedures: Info Policies & Procedures Policy 1010 Responsibility for Operating the District Reference: Read More About Policy 1010 Policy 1020 Oath and Terms, Board of Trustees: Read More About Policy 1020 Policy 1025 Resignation(s) of Board of Trustees: Read More About Policy 1025 Policy 1030 Officers of the Board: Read More About Policy 1030 Policy 1040 Meetings of the Board: Read More About Policy 1040 Policy 1040 Meetings of the Board: Read More About Policy 1040 Policy 2010 Depositories and Investments: Read More About Policy 2010 Policy 3010 Travel Policy: Read More About Policy 3010 Policy 3030 Public Records: Read More About Policy 3030 Policy 4010 Code of Ethics: Read More About Policy 4010 Policy 4020 Conflict of Interest: Read More About Policy 4020 Policy 5020 Dissolution of the District: Read More About Policy 5020 Read from PDF Version Read From PDF Version Additional Policies & Procedures Payment of Invoices: Read More About Payment of Invoices Procurement Policy and Procedures: Read More About Procurement Policy and Procedures Wyoming Special District Handbook Read More About Wyoming Special District Handbook Policies and Procedures: References
- Board Policy 2010 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > Policies and Procedures > Board Policy 2010 - Depositories and Investments Board Policy 2010 Depositories and Investments The Board shall annually approve for the deposit of District funds, per W.S. 9-4-817 through 9-4-831. Deposits by political subdivisions; selected institutions; security; withdrawals. (a) To the extent they are not otherwise invested, the monies collected and held by a treasurer of a political subdivision, municipality or special district within this state shall be deposited in banks which qualify as depositories for public monies as specified in W.S. 9-4-803(a). Investments shall be approved in compliance with W.S. 9-4-831. The District Treasurer or designee shall deposit all District funds as directed by the Board and provide a monthly report of deposits to the Board. Board Policy 2010 - Depositories and Investments: About Us
- Financials | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > Financials Converse County Senior Citizen Service District's Budget 2020 Budget Proposed Budget Read More About Proposed Budget 2020 Audit of Budget Audit of Budget 2020 Read More About Adopted Buget 2020 Adopted Budget 2019 Budget 2020 Budget 2021 Budget Proposed Budget Adopted Budget Read More About Adopted Buget 2021 Audit of Budget Audit of Budget 2021 Read More About Proposed Budget 2021 2021 Budget 2022 Budget Read More About Proposed Budget 2022 Read More About Adopted Buget 2022 Audit of Budget 2022 Audit of Budget Adopted Budget Proposed Budget 2022 Budget 2023 Budget Public Notice Funding Justification Proposed Budget Adopted Budget Audit of Budget Read More About Public Notice 2023 Read More About Funding Justification 2023 Read More About Proposed Budget 2023 Read More About Adopted Buget 2023 Audit of Budget 2023 2024 Budget Public Notice Funding Justification Proposed Budget Adopted Budget Audit of Budget Read More About Public Notice 2024 Read More About Funding Justification 2024 Read More About Proposed Budget 2024 Read More About Adopted Buget 2024 Coming Soon 2025 Budget Public Notice Funding Justification Proposed Budget Adopted Budget Audit of Budget Read More About Public Notice 2025 Read More About Funding Justification 2025 Read More About Proposed Budget 2025 Read More About Adopted Buget 2025 Coming Soon
- Minutes 2022 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > General Business > Minutes 2022 Converse County Senior Citizen Service District January 10, 2022 Douglas, Wyoming Converse County Senior Citizen Special Service District's Minutes 2022 President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Guests present were Nancie Fink, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Troy Hunsucker, Peaks Investment Management. Mr. Hunsucker shared a chart which gave an overview of earning capabilities if this Board invests $500,000 (the amount in reserves). He stated his firm is AAA rated. Investments will be discussed at future board meetings. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2021, Lucile seconded motion carried. The financials were presented reflecting $1,367,406.81 from the mil levy; $916.87 from interest and payments of $347,671.32. The current balance is $3,904.294.00. Lucile moved to approve, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Due to a problem with GoDaddy, Kathy suggested to Joanne to remove her personal credit card as payment for any future charges. The Board agreed to this action. Mr. Ron Yates resigned from this Board on December 26, 2021. President Ricker thanked him for his service. Board Candidate applications were presented for Cheri Reese and Rita Redig. Kim had not yet submitted the application. After review, Lucile moved to appoint Cherie Reese and Rita Redig to this Board for terms ending at the next General Election, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Lucile gave the Oath of Office to Cheri and Rita. The signature card for the Converse County Bank was presented. Tim, Kathy and Lucile will be authorized signatures for the checking account. Lucile will contact the bank to add Rita Redig to the authorization. Nancie Fink gave an overview of projects at the centers. The Douglas Center's kitchen will soon be operational and the Glenrock parking lot is going out to bid with the project beginning in June 2022. She will try to attend a meeting of the Glenrock Rec Board for the signage for the Glenrock Senior Center. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Janaury Converse County Senior Citizen Service District February 14, 2022 Douglas, Wyoming The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. with the following in attendance: Tim Ricker, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor, Absent: Kathy Patceg. Guests present: Mr. Matt Adelman, Douglas Budget and Nancie Fink (for a short time due to her other obligations today). This meeting was originally scheduled to be held in Glenrock, but was moved because of the Grand Opening of the dining room in Douglas. Lucile read the minutes of the January 10, 2022 meeting. Cheri moved to accept, Rita seconded, motion carried. Lucile provided the financial report that Kathy had submitted via email. Bank activity for January, revenue: $427,465.65 from taxes; $1052.07 in interest; disbursements: $50,000 to WYO STAR; $12,338.74 CCAS for various projects; $90,000 CCAS for their January allocation and $175 to the Douglas Budget for the legal ad on CY 2022 meeting dates. January 31, 2022 balance: $4,180,297.98. Rita moved to accept the financial report, Cheri seconded, motion carried. Mr. Adelman inquired about the balance in our account. Lucile explained it was due to projects not being completed from previous years and the delays due to COVID and materials. For clarity on the terms of the current board, Cheri Reese replaces Bill Canady and Rita Redig replaces Ron Yates. This is needed to make certain the ballot reads correctly on terms for the November 2022 election. Nancie gave a quick update on the various projects. Rather than relist, the report is attached. Mr. Adelman asked Nancie if the projects had been put out to bid, which Nancie stated generally no; however, a few have been. The Grand Opening of the Douglas Senior dining room is today with Prime Rib being served. Nancie will provide this Board with the contact info for the CCAS Board. Rita and Cheri inquired about investments and felt that more funds needed to be invested. Cheri will also ask CC Bank about options to get higher interest rates. Tim felt this Board needed to visit with Joel Schell again, but Lucile felt otherwise as investments are in our hands now after others have already given their advice. She believes this Board needs to act. Rita moved to adjourn at 11:00 a.m., Cheri seconded, motion carried. The next meeting will be held in Douglas. Tim Ricker Tim Ricker, President Lucile K Taylor Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Director Report January 20, 2022. Glenrock Senior Center 1pm We have had a busy month. The remodel in Douglas is coming along. Barring any more sickness. Equipment will start to be installed on Monday and Tuesday. We have a projected walk through/punch list on Thursday the 27h. Feb. 14th is our target date to be open for business. In the meantime, of the remodel, we have been chipping away at our budgeted items for the special district. Inside paint of both centers is nearing completion Electric sliding door for Douglas is on order Bingo machine for Glenrock has been ordered Ice cream machine for Douglas is now ordered Finally, I am on the agenda at the rec center to discuss the sign New dining room lights are in for glenrock dining room, we are waiting for The Douglas kitchen to open. The gutters and roof in glenrock will be inspected as soon as weather Permits. New windows for the Glenrock center. We are currently getting bids for both The upstairs and downstairs on separate bids. Basement windows being the Priority. We have a bid for the flooring in the Douglas basement. It was recommended We go with the vinyl. This will complete the whole center in Douglas. The only thing remaining will be the windows and the new HVAC system. We will get an estimate for the floor in the glenrock dining room after the Small remodel here is done. We should have plenty left in the budget for That. February Converse County Senior Citizen Service District March 14, 2022 Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Guests present were Nancie Fink, Dana Lythgoe and Sam Evans, Chairman, CCAS Board; Kyle Lund and Sheri Leinweber, CC Bank. Cheri moved to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2022 meeting, Rita seconded, motion carried. Kyle and Sheri, CCB, presented investments option. The 90-day CD is .65% interest; 18-month CD-.85% interest; 5-year CD - 1.2% interest. There is no penalty for withdrawal if funds are needed to pay bills; however, there would be a penalty if the Board withdrew funds to invest elsewhere. Kathy presented the financial report; revenue: $41,435.43, taxes and $926.83, interest; expenditures: $101,125, CCAS ($90,000 for allocation and the balance for projects), $156,594.35 kitchen remodel. Balance in account: $3,964,940.89. Lucile moved to accept the report, Cheri seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to allocate $2 million to CCB for investments with the bank personnel guiding us on the best option; $500,000 to WYOSTAR and $500,000 to WYO Class, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Director's report. Nancie discussed the Glenrock parking lot. She stated the kitchen remodel was $300,000 over budget. The Glenrock Rec Board has approved the addition of the sign for the Glenrock Senior Center in their playground area. Bar D Signs will be providing and installing the sign. Lucile moved to have Converse County Bank as the official depository for CY 2022, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Sam will ask the CCAS Board for a date when this Board can meet with them to discuss projects that have been budgeted, but not completed. April 14, 2022 was suggested. Lucile will ask Matt for pictures of the Douglas dining room grand re-opening for our website. Sam Evans discussed the parking lot at the Glenrock Senior Center and reviewed the design and features. Lucile reported that Kathy and she were meeting with Brennin Clark, the website developer, to go over the items submitted to him and to review the layout. The website should be ready in April, Mr. Matt Adelman, Douglas Budget, said he would do an article in the newspapers when it's ready. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m. March Converse County Senior Citizen Service District April 14, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig, and Lucile Taylor. The guests present were Nancie Fink, Dana Lythgoe, and Sam Evans. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2022 meeting; Cheri seconded, motion carried. Discussion followed on the $300,000 over budget on the kitchen remodel in Douglas. That was the amount from the original budget, but more funds were allocated in FY 22, so the total amount over budget is around $144,000. Kathy presented the financials. Revenue: $11,738.61 in taxes, $620.67 in interest; expenditures: $3,967,724.50 (includes $3,050,000 allocated to investments; $90,000 CCAS allocation; $157,868.02 CCAS projects), new balance $678,856.48. Lucile moved to approve the financial report and payment of invoices, Rita seconded, motion carried. Kathy discussed investments. Peak Investments appears to be lagging o acknowledging funds submitted and, in general, follow-up with Kathy. Lucile suggested if it doesn't improve, funds should be removed and placed in other investments. Nancie stated the Glenrock parking lot project is moving forward. Sam said guardrails, like those on state highways, would be installed. The windows are under the $75,000 budget; however, the company has excessive trip charges. Nancie is working to reduce these charges. The PA systems for both Glenrock and Douglas are moving forward. CCAS may pay the cost for Douglas out of their allocation as the budget was only for Glenrock. Kathy stated she is meeting with PMCH, our auditors, on Thursday in Casper at 10:00 a.m., if anyone wants to attend. Nancie stated that the CCAS auditors are currently working on FY 21. Kathy attended the WY Association of Special Districts conference in Casper. Joel Schell presented and suggested special districts take their full mill due to changes in the law for receiving mineral taxes, She will send out Joel's PowerPoint presentation, Lucile presented some ideas on possibly offering WRS's 457 Deferred Comp to employees of CCAS (depending on their eligibility as determined by the WY State Retirement System) and asked for help from Nancie and Sam regarding some questions she presented. Rita asked about the possibility of offering employee health insurance, maybe only catastrophic, to the employees. This Board will meet with the CCAS Board on April 21, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. in Douglas, to review current projects and budgets. Lucile moved to adjourn at 11:35 a.m.; Cheri seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary April Converse County Senior Citizen Service District May 9, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Guest present was Nancie Fink. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting with the following corrections. The excessive trip charges are for the company doing the PA system and not the windows project. Dayna's name will be spelled correctly in the future; Cheri seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the financial report: debits, $90,000 CCAS allocation; $6,534.10 CCAS Glenrock parking lot; credits: $23,433.34 tax collections, $157.69 interest. Balance in account $606,534.08. Investments balance: WyoStar, $550,074.47; WyoClass, $550,190.07, CCB #0, $500,498.63; #1, $500,652.05; #3, $1,001,841,10; Rita seconded, motion carried. Kathy stated that PMCH would help set up the investments in the accounting program. The Board will review the investments in November 2022 (6 months from now) to see the rate of returns and could, at that time, change strategies after reviewing performance. Tim and Kathy are authorized to get new computers. Tim's is relatively new, but the screen has an issue. He will give it to Kathy to see if there is any warranty left. Kathy's is an older model, so she will replace it. Lucile will take Bill's and Ron's computers to Nancie to wipe clean. Both are older computers. Nancie reported the State of WY is doing compliance audits at both centers this week. The ads for bids on the Glenrock parking lots have gone out to the newspapers. Architects are looking at the Glenrock kitchen remodel, as well as the flooring. An environmental study for asbestos will be needed. The windows projects turned out well. They are waiting for parts for the PA system. A new roof at Glenrock is a priority. If funds are available, it could be done in this FY. Future projects for Douglas include HVAC, expansion to include a garage, and restroom areas. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary May Converse County Senior Citizen Service District June 6, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:09 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Kathy Patceg was excused. Others present; Nancie Fink. Rita moved to approve the minutes of the meeting on May 9, 2022, Cheri seconded, motion carried. Rita moved to approve the financial report for May: credits, tax revenue, $209,197.60; interest $181.53; debits; WASD $1,000 dues; CCAS, $90,000 allocation; CCAS $3,456 Glenrock Parking Lot. Balance in account $721,457.21. Investments; CCB - CD-100 - $500,747.95 CCB CD - 101 - $500,978.08 CCB CD-102 - $1,002,791.65 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $550,491.56 WYOSTAR - (not avail) Cheri seconded, motion carried. Budgets were discussed. Nancie stated the cost for the parking lot in Glenrock includes the roto-mill, spreading it, as well as the plug-ins and lighting. Nancie will do a narrative addressing the FY 23 $1,140,000 allocation request to reflect what those funds are used for. The Senior District proposed budget was approved, pending the final valuation from the Assessor. On our budget, Lucile explained that having a separate bookkeeper would allow us the separation of duties that the auditors suggested and would allow for that person to submit various required forms on behalf of our district. The election budget covers the approximate cost to the County to have our Board members' names (whose terms are up) on the ballot in November 2022. Nancie stated the following projects are complete: Douglas, motion sensor door, Glenrock, windows and blinds for each location at a cost of around $9,500 per location. (Note: $7500 has been budgeted in FY 23.) The windows in Douglas should be completed by the end of the month. The signage in Glenrock is ongoing. Rita moved to adjourn at 11:41 a.m., Cheri seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District July 11, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Cheri Reese was excused. Guests present: Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS, and Patty Taboga. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the meeting on June 6, 2022; Rita seconded, motion carried. Rita moved to approve the Treasurer's report: June income: $680,586.45 tax revenue; $275.68 interest. Expenditures; 1209 CCAS allocation $90,000; 1210 CCAS projects $130,293.44; 1211 PMCH, $19,200 FY 21 Audit; account balance: $1,162,805.90. Investments: CCB-CD-100 - $501,059.59 CCB CD - 101 - $501,071.23 CCB CD -102 - $1,003,024.66 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $550,941.21 WYOSTAR - $550,495.12 Approved for payment: 1212 Brennin Clark, $35; 1213 Voided, dup payment; 1214 CCAS $95,000 July allocation; 1215 USPS $70 box rent; 1216 Voided, overpayment, Douglas Budget; 1217 CCAS projects $72,189.25. There were several questions on the report as members tried to understand the data. Lucile seconded, motion carried. Kathy reviewed the FY 21 Audit from PMCH. Lucile asked about the policy that they wanted for budget amendments. The Board will initiate the suggested changes. PMCH will be retained for the FY 22 Audit. An engagement letter from PMCH should be forthcoming. Kathy will visit with the bookkeeper the district has hired through Skogen, Cometto & Associates. Lucile moved to approve the contract with Skogen, Cometto and Associates for monthly bookkeeping services (and other reports that maybe required) pending review by Kathy after meeting with that firm, Rita seconded, motion carried Dayna discussed various CCAS projects. The gutters for the Glenrock building do not need replacing, so those funds could be considered for other projects. Halogen lights may be needed in the Douglas parking lot, but this item was not budgeted. She stated that CCAS has purchased two animals from FFA members at Deer Creek Days and said someone would be attending the Natrona County Fair as Glenrock has members who will be selling market animals. (Note: July 11, 2022, Nancie added there was a miscommunication as no one with CCAS would be at the Natrona County Market Sale.) Lucile didn't believe this was appropriate or the intent of the PR discussion - the PR was about the Converse County Market Sale. Discussion followed. Rita moved to adjourn at 11:15 a.m., Kathy seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District August 8, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Guests present: Nancie Fink, Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS, and Patty Taboga. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the meeting on July 11, 2022 ; Rita seconded, motion carried. Lucile moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income; tax $819,904.72, interest $410.12; expenses; 1212 Brennin Clark, $35; 1213 Voided, dup payment; 1214 $95,000 July allocation; 1215 USPS $70 box rent; 1216 Douglas Budget $633.86 (voided, reissued); 1217 CCAS projects $72,179.25. Account balance: $1,815,871.49. Investments: CCB-CD-100 - $500,000 CCB CD - 101 - $501,071.23 CCB CD -102 - $1,003,024.66 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $551,673.62 WYOSTAR - $550,922.57 Approved for payment: CCAS Projects $59,378.20; CCA$ Allocation $95,000.00, Douglas Budget $159, Brennin Clark $70, Atlas Office $176.70; CCAS Glenrock Parking Lot $174,809.50. The new bookkeeping report was reviewed. Cheri seconded, motion carried. Nancie reported on projects. The Glenrock Kitchen Remodel is on hold until the parking lot is complete; parking lot is scheduled to be completed on September 6, 2022; signage may be completed in a couple of weeks, blinds - ongoing Rita moved to adjourn at 11:15 a.m., Kathy seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District September 12, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:09 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Cheri Reese, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Absent, Kathy Patceg; Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS. Rita moved to approve the minutes of the meeting on August 8, 2022; Cheri seconded, motion carried. Cheri moved to approve the Treasurer's report given by Lucile: CCB account, income; tax $685,337.17, interest $892.55; debits $329,558.40; account balance: $2,172,542.81. approved for payment: #1225 CCAS projects: $100,523.06; #1224 CCAS Sep allocation; #1226 CCAS projects (Glenrock Parking Lot; Andreen Hunt) $308,498.00; Investments: CCB-CD-100 - $500,000 CCB CD - 101 - $501,071.23 CCB CD -102 - $1,003,024.66 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $552,670.72 WYOSTAR - $551,567.49 Rita seconded, motion carried. Nancie reported on projects. The Glenrock Parking Lot is complete besides for the walk through; Glenrock Sign will be completed soon, electrical is being installed now; Douglas Phase I (office space, restrooms on east side of the center) will be going out for bid and will start in the Spring; they may bid Phase I and Phase II together to see if there is a cost savings. Glenrock Kitchen Remodel may start around October 1; HVAC will be completed in September. The Glenrock Senior Center is having a BBQ on September 23, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. Cheri asked about the market sale purchases and would like more discussion. Nancie said the CCAS Board was all in favor of the purchases and she believed it was a cost savings to their food budget. Rita asked about funding social items and senior trips, to include overnight trips, possibly going to Deadwood and other areas. Nancie stated their insurance does not cover out-of-state trips. She said that seniors will sign up and then won't go on the trips, which is very frustrating. Everyone agreed it is worth looking into if there is an interest and possibly coming up with budgeting numbers for FY 24. Nancie thought there needed to be a small cost to the seniors so they have buy-in. Lucile thought the allocation funding could be used for these events and suggested that Rita work with Nancie to find costs, etc. Cheri moved to adjourn at 11:10 a.m., Rita seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District October 10, 2022, Glenrock, Wyoming Treasurer Kathy Patceg (acting as protem) called the meeting to order at 10:09 a.m. Present: Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig, Cheri Reese and Lucile Taylor. Tim Ricker was excused Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS. Lucile distributed the minutes of the September 12, 2022 meeting. Kathy moved to approve as submitted, Cheri seconded, motion carried. Kathy distributed the Treasurer's report. The CCAS Projects list was discussed for clarification on the funds set aside for the upper parking lot in Glenrock. That project has not started. The Glenrock Senior Housing will allow connectivity for the vehicle plugins at that location from their power access at the apartments. It's not clear at this time who will pay the monthly charges, but Nancie hopes GSH will as it's their residents who will use the vehicle plugins. Timelines on other projects were also discussed as it relates to the availability of funds should we invest more funds. Rita moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income; tax revenue $652,330.24, interest $1,286.36; debits $504,091.06; account balance: $2,322,068.35. Approved for payment: #1227 CNA Surety; projects #1228 CCAS $17,107.12; # 1229 CCAS Oct allocation; #1230 Kathy Patceg, reimbursement; #1231 Skogen & Assoc $701.25 bookkeeping services. CCB-CD-100 - $501,620.55 CCB CD - 101 - $502,144.76 CCB CD -102 - $1,006,058.47 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $553,754.06 WYOSTAR - $552,384.30 Rita moved to authorize $1,000,000 be taken from our bank account and invested in a CD at Converse County Bank, Cheri seconded. Discussion: the district has a large amount of funds in CCB that are not expected to be used; the interest rates are currently up so the longer we delay, the less interest we will earn; Kathy will talk to CCB about options for CDs on terms and rates. Motion carried unanimously. Nancie stated the remodel of the Glenrock kitchen will begin shortly. It's expected the dining room could be closed from 3 to 6 weeks. Meals will be delivered to those who currently receive the meals. Board members and Nancie will try to find a write in candidate for a four term on this Board. Lucile mentioned that Aleta Torgerson was possibly interested. Lucile asked that we keep each other informed of who agrees so we don't have extra candidates. Rita moved to adjourn at 11:15 a.m., Kathy seconded, motion carried. Kathy Patceg, President Protem Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary Converse County Senior Citizen Service District November 14, 2022, Douglas, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig and Lucile Taylor. Guests present were Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS; Cheri Reese, former Board member, and Don Luhrsen, recently elected Board member. A small social was held to thank Cheri Reese for her contributions to the Board. Newly elected members Tim Ricker, Rita Redig and Don Luhrsen were given the Oaths of Office by Lucile. The oaths will be on file with the secretary. carried. Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2022, Rita seconded, motion Lucile moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income; tax revenue $760,931.91, interest $2,132.26; debits $1,112,989.10; account balance: $1,972,143.42. Approved for payment: #1232 CCAS $95,000 Nov Allocation; #1233 CCAS $92,401.48 projects; #1234 Skogen & Assoc $187.93 bookkeeping services. CD #257 started October 14, 2022 and is for 18 months. Interest will be posted around the 14th of each month. Investments: CCB-CD-100 - $502,144.76 CCB CD - 101 - $501,620.55 CCB CD -102 - $1,006,058.47 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $555,158.40 WYOSTAR - $553,290.67 Dayna said the sign for the Glenrock Senior Center is working and there will be some tweaks as the staff learns the program and how to change the displays. The sign can be changed remotely as long as the internet is up. The Glenrock kitchen remodel is going well and they are hoping for a December 1, 2022 completion date. Election of officers was held. After some discussion about responsibilities of the offices, Lucile moved to put forward the following slate: Tim, President; Don, Vice-President; Kathy, Treasurer and Lucile, Secretary. Rita did not want an office. Kathy seconded; motion carried. New Business. Rita and Kathy thought that the new sign in Glenrock would be better if there was directional signage pointing towards the center. Rita felt the sign was confusing as people may go into the Rec Center thinking that is where the senior center is located. Lucile wondered if directional signage could be added under the sign. Old Business: Kathy and Lucile discussed the conference call with PMCH, our auditors. After the conference call and upon further review and a lengthy discussion, a couple of projects may need to be reconsidered. Tim will discuss them with Nancie. Kathy moved to adjourn at 3:42 p.m., Don seconded, motion carried. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary June Converse County Senior Citizen Service District December 12, 2022, Glenrock, Wyoming President Tim Ricker called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Rita Redig, Don Luhrsen and Lucile Taylor. Guests present: Nancie Fink and Dayna Lythgoe, CCAS. Rita moved to approve the minutes of November 14, 2022, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Don moved to approve the Treasurer's report: CCB account, income; tax revenue $1,361,215.32, interest $2,805.94; debits $187,401.48; account balance: $3,148,763.20. Approved for payment: #1235 CCAS $95,000 Dec Allocation; #1236 CCAS $92,401.48 projects; #1237 Brennin Clark, website $187.93; #1238 Lucile Taylor $227.62 office equipment; #1239 PMCH $20,000.00 FY 22 Audit. Investments: CCB - CD - 100 - $501,620.55 CCB CD - 101 - $502,144.76 CCB CD - 102 - $1,006,058.47 CCB CD - 257 - $1,000,000.00 WY CLASS 01-0038 - $556,836.03 WYOSTAR - $ 554,407.97 Kathy addressed some concerns she had with our financials. One concern is that we have too much money in our account, along with investments. Also, how this Board spends the funds on projects - which should be capital assets by definition. Lucile stated that a purchasing policy is needed for this Board which defines capital assets. Don stated he had called a couple of state offices and they would like to discuss the asset concern in person. Don, Tim and possibly Kathy will try to meet with them in January 2023 to get direction. Lucile stated that the electricity for the vehicle outlets at the Glenrock Housing Authority needs to be paid by GHA. Nancie stated the Glenrock dining room will be open again next Monday. Also, the Glenrock sign is not working and that may be a connectivity issue. The software program is also difficult to use. She will call the software company. Nancie would like to take down the wall at the Douglas Center that separates the staff from the public. This should allow for a better atmosphere. Don brought up possible ideas for expansion of services that he had heard from various resources. One was that Subaru will donate a vehicle for Meals on Wheels. Nancie stated the centers don't qualify as they are not part of the Meals on Wheels program. Other programs discussed were dementia services, respite care, adult day care, and nursing services. Nancie stated that finding employees has been difficult which makes expanding services hard to do. Kathy moved to approve the CY 2023 meeting dates as submitted, Don seconded, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:58 a.m. Tim Ricker, President Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary
- Board Policy 1030 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > Policies and Procedures > Board Policy 1030 - Officers of the Board Board Policy 1030 Officers of the Board Reference: WY Stat § 18-15-109. Selection of officers of board of trustees; quorum; trustees not to be interested in contracts, work done or property purchased by district. (a) Annually, not later than December 1, the board of trustees shall choose from their number a president, a treasurer and a secretary of the district. The Board shall, at its November meeting following the General Election, select from among its members a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Duties of the Officers: The President of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board as the Chair, and shall have the power to appoint committees, to call special meetings of the Board, and to perform such other duties that are usual and prescribed by law to this office. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside at all meetings of the Board as the Chair and shall be authorized to perform the duties assigned to the President during his/her absence. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping and certifying for the Board such reports and records as required by law. The Secretary is not required to be bonded. In the absence of the President and the Vice President, the Secretary may preside at a meeting of the Board as the Chair and shall be authorized to perform the duties assigned to the President during his/her absence. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the District's funds and for the preparation of all financial reports required by law. The Treasurer shall be bonded in an amount as required by law. In the absence of the President, the Vice President and the Secretary, the Treasurer may preside at a meeting of the Board as the Chair and shall be authorized to perform the duties assigned to the President during his/her absence. Board Policy 1030 - Officers of the Board: About Us
- Budget Requests | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > Page of Budget Requests Converse County Senior Citizen Service District's Page of Budget Requests 2024 Budget Requests Senior Citzen Board Read More About Senior Citzen Board Request Converse County Aging Services Read More About CCAS Request Housing Riverside Two Read More About Housing Riverside Two Glenrock Housing Authority Read more about Barber Appts Request Read More About Housing Riverside One Douglas Housing Authority Read More About Irwin Towers Request Housing Riverside One Page of Budget Requests
- Article II - Board Of Trustees | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > ByLaws > Article ll - Board Of Trustees ARTICLE II - BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1. The Board of Trustees shall operate and manage the District so as to comply fully with the terms and provisions of W.S. 18-15-101 through 18-15-111. 2. There shall be one (1) meeting a month to be held on the second Monday of the month rotating between Douglas and Glenrock with a minimum of 10 meetings per calendar year. Meetings shall be held in accordance with W.S. 16-4-401 through 408. Special meetings, emergency meetings and work sessions for any purpose(s) as described in the meeting notice may be called by the Board. A special meeting, emergency meeting or work session shall be held in accordance with Wyoming State Statutes. 3. At their meeting in January, the Board of Trustees shall adopt the meeting dates for the Calendar Year. 4. An annual meeting shall be held on the second (2nd) Monday of November each year and pursuant to W.S. 18-15-109, the Board of Trustees shall elect a President, Vice- President, Secretary and Treasurer. 5. To enter into an Executive Session, a trustee will make a motion stating a valid reason to enter into an Executive Session. 6. No meetings shall be conducted by electronic means or any other form of communication that does not permit the public to hear, read or otherwise discern discussion contemporaneously. 7. Members of the Board of Trustees may attend meetings on a conference call or other electronic means. 8. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to hear and act on all complaints and initiate disciplinary action for the infraction of these Bylaws. 9. The Board shall have the authority to appoint committees for special assignments to aid them in their duties. All committees shall act in accordance with Wyoming State Statutes. Article II - Board Of Trustees: About Us
- ByLaws | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > ByLaws & Handbooks BYLAWS & Handbooks of Converse County Senior Citizen Service District ByLaws: Info Article I - Special District Read More About Article l Article II - Board of Trustees Read More About Article ll Articles III - Converse Country Senior Citizen Service District Officers Read More About Article lll Articles IV - Vacancy Read More About Article lV Articles V - Complaints, Disciplinary Actions Read More About Article V Articles Vl - ByLaws Read More About Article Vl Wyoming Special Distrist Handbook Read More About Wyoming Special Distrist Handbook Read from PDF Version Read PDF Version ByLaws: Articles
- Minutes 2019 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > General Business > Minutes 2019 Converse County Senior Citizen Service District's Minutes 2019 Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Douglas Court House Basement January 14, 2019 – 9:00 AM Members Present: Tim Ricker, Bill Canaday, Joanne Desmarais, Kathy Patceg, and Ron Yates The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM. Ron read the minutes from the last meeting. Tim made a motion to accept minutes as read. Motion seconded by Bill. All in favor motion passed. Kathy reported that there is no treasurer report as no funding is available at this time. County Clerk Lucile Taylor advised that we talk to the Senior Citizens Board about paying for our public meeting advertisements. Matt Adelman from newspaper said they would carry the advertisement bill each month until we get funding, however, they will charge us $0.50 each month. Ron did not want the board to take the bill to the Senior Center Board. He advised he will pay the bill and get the receipt to Kathy. He will be reimbursed when funding is available. A motion was made to accept treasurer report by Bill and seconded by Tim. Motion passed. Discussion on Bylaws: Kathy took the Platte Country Bylaws and copied what they had and changed wording from Platte County to Converse County. Some changes were made to meet Wyoming State Statute. As State Statute requires we are elected and then decide who will serve 2 years and who will serve 4 years. Under Board of Trustees, State Statute 16-4-401 through 408 will replace the current verbiage. Under Board of Trustees, Part 3, all Wyoming Law references will be changed to Wyoming State Statute. In Board of Trustees, Part 5, it was decided to omit last sentences pertaining to an ordinance. Kathy changed grammar under the secretary duties to read that the Secretary will take minutes at all meetings. Kathy advised that under Treasurer Duties it is required that the Treasurer be bonded. Kathy will need to find out how to get bonded. The Board decided to keep Article 5 as written. Tim brought up changing Article 1 part 2 to read the purpose of the District will be the preservation and protection of Senior citizen programs and approval of funding by the senior board for such projects. Ron read state statute and determined that we follow Wyoming State Statute. Kathy emailed out Wyoming State Statute, amended Bylaws, and reminders of the meeting. Tim made a motion to accept the Bylaws as discussed with the understanding that amendments may need to be made. Motion seconded by Bill. Discussion: Kathy thought maybe we should wait until training is available. Kathy will forward the Bylaws to the County Attorney for review. Board voted and passed motion. Kathy advised that Wyoming State Statute requires this Board to have at least 10 meetings a year and that a date should be decided upon. After discussion, Joanne made a motion to hold the meetings on the second Monday at 10 AM in alternate locations. Motion seconded by Kathy. All in favor, motion carried. Ron will set up meeting at the Glenrock Library and Tim will take care of setting up meetings in the Community Room at the Court House in Douglas. Additional business: Ron suggested asking for operational funding from the County Commissioners as a loan at 2% until the Mill Levy comes through. The Board needs to determine what is needed and then go to county commissioners and ask for startup funds. Such funds are opening a checking account, advertising, purchase of recorder, computer, etc. Ron added that the Board should ask for an office for the filing system and public notices. Ron will make a list of needs and he and Tim will meet with the Commissioners for the request. Respectfully Submitted, Billy Canaday Minutes read and approved 2-11-19 January Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Glenrock Library February 11, 2019 – 9:00 AM Members Present: Tim Ricker, Bill Canaday, Joanne Desmarais, Kathy Patceg, and Ron Yates The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM. Bill read the minutes from the last meeting. Kathy made a motion to accept minutes as read. Motion seconded by Joanne after discussion of the name of the group. The name to be changed to Converse County Senior Citizens District Board. All in favor motion passed. Bylaws acceptance discussion Kathy checked with Quentin and no changes where needed. Ron made motion to accept and seconded by Tim. Motion passed. Tim talked about the County Commissions loan of $360,000 to be used for $321,000 for back taxes for Converse County Aging Services and $39,000 for startup funds only for this board. Interest rate will be 2% and payment schedule in 6 equal payments beginning January 2020 distribution and ending June 2020 until note is paid including interest. The County Commissions will deduct from loan to pay the IRS. The loan can be paid off with no penalty. All parties must sign and will be taken back to Lucile. Motion made to accept by Kathy and seconded by Joanne. Motion passed. Groups wanting access to the money must follow proper protocol to receive monies. What group or groups will be allowed to access this money? Are there nonprofit organization that can access this money or who? These questions will be answered with District training. Future training will help guide board by telling what can be done with the money. Kathy will set up a time of training. Discussion of what time of day can training take place. Tax ID, Post office box in Douglas, office space is still to be determined. We will look into where space can be used. Training will help determine where space can be available. Kathy will get a clean copy of bylaws with space for Notary. Will wait for training to determine what to do. We will sign a copy and if a Notary is needed, we can do it again. Bank account will be in Converse County Bank and they will do the Notary if necessary. Converse County Bank will be used with two names. Kathy and Joanne will be on the account. When attending different board meetings there should not be any discussion about this board. The other boards need to come to our meetings to make requests. There will be a spokesperson and that will be Chairman Tim Ricker. Other boards will come to this board to have their agenda heard at meeting. The next meeting will be March 4th Monday. Kathy bonding should be $5000.00 and tax ID will be taken care of. P.O. Box will be a small box for $28.00. Motion to adjourn by Tim and Seconded by Joanne and motion carried. Respectfully Submitted Billy Canaday Approved 3-4-2019 February Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Converse County Community Room March 4, 2019 Members Present: Tim Ricker, Bill Canaday, Kathy Patceg and Ron Yates. Joanne Desmarais was not present. Meeting called to order at 9:15 Reading of the Minutes: Kathy read the minutes. A motion was made to accept the minutes with the correction of the name of the Senior Center. Motion seconded, all in favor, motion passed. Financial Report: Kathy and Tim will go over to Converse County Bank after the meeting to set up a checking account. Kathy is working on the sales tax application. Kathy visited with Joel Schell, County Treasurer and Julie Melder, Accountant. Ms. Melder currently does the audits for the Glenrock Hospital District, so she is familiar with Wyoming State Statute requirements. Kathy will invite Joel Schell to the next meeting to discuss financial issues. New Business – Request by Senior Housing: Guests, Laurie Seipel, Stephanie Hagemann and Brad Sishc from the Riverside Plaza I and II were recognized. They questioned funding possibilities. They explained that Riverside Plaza I was built prior to the requirements of a fire sprinkler system. Guest, Casper Smith discussed the need for a new generator for the Douglas Senior Center. Mr. Smith will get cost estimates for a new generator. Bill suggested that there should be more than one local contractor who fixes generators and it is important to also include a maintenance plan. New Business: There was a discussion about who to go to if there is an emergency in the senior centers, such as, heating and cooling etc. It was stated that a request would go to the Commissioners until funding is available to the District Board. There was discussion on the possibility of the District Board meeting with the Converse County Aging Board to look at a Memorandum of Understanding. Platte County developed a Memorandum of Understanding with their senior center. Kathy will email that agreement to all our Board for review. It was decided that we would have a work session with the Aging Board. Mr. Smith was given a copy of the Platte County Memorandum of Understanding and asked to look at it for discussion. A schedule of the meeting dates and times was handed out to the Board and copy given to Mr. Smith. This schedule will be published. Schedule dates were discussed to determine if any members had a conflict. Bill moved to accept the schedule with a change of November 11th to November 18th. Motion was seconded by Ron. Motion passed. Kathy advised that there will be District training on Wednesday May 8th at 4:30 PM at the Glenrock Library. The Glenrock Hospital District and Glenrock Cemetery District will also attend the training. Kathy will get information to the paper. Ron made motion to adjourn and seconded by Bill, motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Bill Canaday March Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Converse County Community Room April, 2019 No meeting in April 2019. April Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Douglas Court House May 13, 2019 Members Present: Tim Ricker, Bill Canaday, Joanne Desmarais and Ron Yates Members Absent: Kathy Patceg Others Present: Nancie Fink, Russ Broderdorp, Bob McCormick The meeting was called to order a 10:00 AM. Bill read the minutes from the last meeting. Ron made a motion to accept minutes as read. Motion seconded by Joanne and all in favor passed motion. Financial Report: Joanne went to Staples and check on 3 computers (one for Kathy, one for Bill and one for Joanne.) They will download Quick Books, Professional office, printer, virus protection and tech support. The cost will be $2,790. Up to 6 people can download the Quick Books program. All computers will have professional office. The printer is not made for printing many copies at one time. Joanne put in the budget for $3,000 so a recorder and supplies needed for printer could also be purchased. Tim let Board members know there is now operational funds of $39,000 in the account. Old Business: The Riverside Plaza requested moneys. Tim talked to Lucile Taylor and was told we could possibly make a loan with agreement payment. Lucile will get back to Tim. The Riverside Plaza is a government funded entity and they should pay for it. The HUD program is government funded and by law the Board is not allowed to give them money from the mill levy because of state statues. The moneys are to be used for the Senior Centers. Ron said he was asked since they were seniors if the money could be used. There will be further discussions after talking with Lucile. Nancie Fink has read the state statues and has not found anything that says you can go outside the two Senior Centers. Question was why don’t they go through the County Commissioners for funding. Bob McCormick advised that he believes this funding is for Senior Centers and not Senior Housing and that this is going to be voted on again in 2021 and was originally voted on for Senior Centers only. By-laws have already been adopted from Wheatland’s By-Laws. The bank account signatures will be Tim, Joanne and Kathy with only two signatures needed when writing a check. Members signed bank papers authorizing information for the bank. Training Review needed to be more informative of situation for the District and general. For some it was good information for some and others had already had it. The board would like more information that we need for our situation. New Business: Tim and Kathy met with Joel Schell and Dixie Huxtable about operational aspects of where and range of uses of money. Tim will try to schedule training with Joel to discuss range of uses. Joel thought remolding was ok but did not know about new structures. Nancie Fink thought that there could be changes and repairs but not new construction. Discussion on parking lots: The city owns the land only and the centers must take care of what is on the land. There has been some work started to see what it will take to repair parking lot. The senior board will get information and summit to the District Board. When can the construction start? Board needs more information. Tim stated that our By-Laws say Converse County Senior Service District and Service needs to be changed to Special District. By-Laws will be amended to Special. The deadline for budget is June 1st. Sometime in June there needs to be a public meeting on the proposed Budget. Board needs to adopt the budget within three days of public meeting. There also needs to be a meeting before 3rd week of July for the budget. Bill and Nancie will meet to discuss the budget for the Senior Centers before June 1st deadline, so that the budget for the Senior Centers would be ready for next meeting. Ron made a motion to accept budget and seconded by Joanne and all voted in favor. W-9 tax form was given to the County. There is a tax ID# and will have it for next meeting. Joanne made motion to adjourn and seconded by Ron and meeting was adjoined. Respectfully Submitted Billy Canaday Minutes approved 6-10-2019 May Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Glenrock Library Community Room June 11, 2019 Members Present: Tim Ricker, Joanne Desmarais, Ron Yates and Kathy Patceg Members Absent: Bill Canaday Others Present: Pat Yates The meeting was called to order a 10:25 AM. Kathy read the minutes from the last meeting. Joanne advised that Professional Office is not available with 6 downloads as stated in the minutes. Kathy will fix the minutes. A motion was made and approved to accept the minutes with the changes. FINANCIAL REPORT Joanne picked up the computers and printers from Staples. The final cost was $3,172.17 and $269.93 for the protection plan. Kathy will pay other bills as needed. Kathy gave Tim a form to fill out to get approval for our online banking. A motion was made by Joanne to accept the financial report. Motion seconded by Kathy, all in favor, motion passed. Kathy will check into depreciation of computers and printers. After discussion, Joanne made a motion to purchase two more Professional Office programs for Tim and Ron so everyone has the latest versions. Motion seconded by Ron. All in favor, motion carried. Joanne will purchase the programs. Tim advised that his son, Woody, could maybe do some training on Professional Office. Kathy is still working with the State on acceptance of the proposed budget. OLD BUSINESS Ron asked about the Riverside Plaza request. After discussion, that request will be reviewed later to the legality of giving money to other senior facilities. A motion was made and seconded to accept old business. All in favor, motion passed. NEW BUSINESS A discussion was held to look into adding more money for legal advice. Attorney Mike Alexander was suggested. Meeting adjourned 11:20 Respectfully submitted, Kathy Patceg Next meeting – July 8th at the County Community Room Approved 7-8-2019 June Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Converse County Court House July 8, 2019 Members Present: Tim Ricker, Joanne Desmarais, Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg, and Bill Canaday Others Present: Nancy Fink and Casper Smith Meeting called to order at 10:00 Minutes read by Bill: A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. Motion Passed. Joel Schell, County Treasurer, presented a training session for the Board. Financial Report: Kathy passed around a summary of the details of what the bank checking account will show. There was a problem with the amount of one of the checks. It should have been 17cents not 12. Tim will go to bank and have the change made. Bank will not charge fees. A check was presented for reimbursement to Bill and Ron for ink and paper supplies. Vouchers will be used for future payments. A motion was made and seconded to pay bills. All in favor, motion passed. A Motion was made by Ron to accept the final bank report and Seconded by Joanne, motion passed. Old Business: During the previous meeting, Tim mentioned that maybe his son, Woody could offer some computer training. Tim will see if his son would do some training. A motion was made and seconded for Kathy to contact Frank Peasley to see if he can serve as our Board’s legal counsel, as he has helped the Landfill District. All in favor, motion passed. Memorandum of Understand (MOU) was tabled until we get legal advice. Kathy brought up the point that the senior board and our District board need to agree on it. It was suggested that we meet with their board to talk about it on July 18th. After the boards meet, the MOU will be sent for legal review. A motion was made and seconded to pay for legal advice to read Memorandum. Motion passed. Proposed Budget: Kathy was advised to have our budget dates coincide with centers. Nancie said that due to federal grants it might not be feasible. After discussion the following was decided: Kathy will change the $500,000 from the senior budget to the District budget Travel and training will be increased Auditing and bookkeeping will be increased Legal notices will be increased Bonding will be increased A motion was made by Joanne and seconded by Ron to make the changes discussed and resubmit the budget to the State and County. A motion was made to accept budget as changed. The motion passed. New Business: A motion was made by Ron and seconded by Bill to see if Brandy Popp would help with bookkeeping and pay her as shown in the budget. Motion passed. Kathy will contact Brandy Popp. The Board reiterated the importance of the public knowing how the District funding is helping the Centers. Maybe through a newsletter or other means. It was suggested that maybe the District can pay for postage, etc. A motion was made to adjourn by Ron and seconded by Joanne. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:27 am. Respectfully submitted, Bill Canaday Approved August 12, 2019 July Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Glenrock Senior Center August 12, 2019 Members present: Tim Ricker, Joanne Desmarais, Bill Canaday and Kathy Patceg Members Absent: Ron Yates The meeting was called to order at 10:15 AM. Bill read the regular and public hearing budget meeting minutes. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. All in favor, motion passed. Nancy clarified what the funds that were paid to the IRS were for. She explained that it is still unknown what the interest and penalties will amount to. The funds that were paid to IRS came out of the money that was loaned to the District Board. Joel Shell provided an amortization schedule with interest for the District to pay back the funds. It was suggested to pay back the loan to stop the interest that would occur. Motion was made that when funds are available, we will pay off the loan to stop further interest from accruing. Motion passed. FINANCIAL REPORT There is still $34,564.38 in checking account. Kathy submitted the following checks for approval, $56.00 for the Post Office Box and $98.00 for the Douglas Budget for the advertising of the Public Hearing. Kathy gave members an amended budget that was approved by the state. Motion was made and seconded to approve Financial Report. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS There is not enough information on the findings for funding the senior center parking lots. Nancie is looking into what the Daniels Fund can do with expenses. Kathy explained that all the Budget information has been submitted to the State and Commissioners. The money will come in with the property taxes. The Senior Center will go through the District Board for money and not the County Commissioners. Nancie had a meeting with the Daniel’s Fund and received $43,000 to do heating and cooling which is a part of what is needed. There was a 90-day extension and project should be completed in the spring. NEW BUSINESS Kathy and Joanne will meet with Brandy Popp about financial report/bookkeeping and whatever is needed for an audit. Brandy will do her work from her home. Quentin Richardson, County Attorney and Matt Adelman, Editor of the newspaper will come to the next meeting to talk about what should be public information. The meeting will also allow the District and Senior Center to express their feeling about what has happened through the newspaper. Motion made to Adjourn meeting at 11:24 and passed. Respectfully submitted, Bill Canaday Next meeting-September 9th at the County Community Room Minutes approved – September 9th August Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Converse County Court House Sept 9, 2019 Members present: Tim Ricker, Joanne Desmarais, Ron Yates and Bill Canaday Members absent: Kathy Patceg Others Present: Nancie Fink, Casper Smith, Matt Adelman, Douglas Budget Editor and Lucile Taylor, Converse County Clerk. The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00 AM. Minutes of last meeting were read by Bill and approved with a spelling error corrected. FINANCIAL REPORT: Read by Joanne Four checks to Bill Canaday, $40.92, Ron Yates, $27.50, US post office $56.00, 5 cents from checkbook, for a total of transactions of $127.27. Motion was made and seconded with all in favor. OLD BUSINESS: Nancy reported: The $43,000 from Daniel’s fund was from last year for heating and cooling and was extended to March 31st due to what center has been through in the last year. Lazer Construction out of Glenrock will investigate the parking lot repair/replacement. Nancie reported that the bid of $88,000 for heating and cooling could still be done in Glenrock and contractor is starting to get things ready for the project. Casper said the senior board has approved the project already. The senior board will request money for project. Ron brought up the Memorandum of Understanding. It needs to be approved after Frank Peasley has gone over it. The MOU is the same as Wheatland with names changed. Tim will see Frank Peasley and hear what he has to say. NEW BUSINESS: Public Information Presentation by Lucile and Matt. Lucile passed out state statute. Special Districts must post to the designated public record person, Holly Richardson for the county. There is a need for a website to post minutes and Go Daddy was recommended. Special Districts need to be accountable and a website will help do that. Just get records out in a timely fashion. Nancie will help Joanne develop a website. A motion was made and seconded to allow Joanne to pay any money needed to develop a website. Motion passed. Tim will be the one that will distribute all requests. Bill will email all minutes to Tim, so he has the information. Lucile advised the Board that all the District information has to be public. Matt said that if there are 3 or more Board members in same room and same table no business can be discussed. If you have a special meeting the board can only talk about the topic(s) for that meeting, posted, no vote, and must have minutes. Do not discuss business when together. Public notices (legal notice in paper) must be published and do not move the location or change time unless there are special conditions. Tim discussed the newspaper editorial published in the Budget. Tim did not have access to information so could not share the information. Tim explained that the board thought because the budget was not final that information could not be given out. Nancie suggested that both groups go to each other’s meetings to understand what is going on between boards. The next meeting October 14th at Glenrock library and there will be a discussion about the Memorandum of Understanding A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:20. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Bill Canaday Next meeting October 14th at Glenrock Library Community Room at 10:00. Approved October 14, 2019 September Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Glenrock Library October 14, 2019 Members present: Tim Ricker, Joanne Desmarais, Ron Yates, Bill Canaday and Kathy Patceg and Ron Yates Others Present: Nancie Fink and Debbie Cathcart Meeting called to order at 10:00 by Tim. Minutes of last meeting were read by Bill and approved by all with the correction of a couple spelling errors. FINANCIAL REPORT: Kathy passed out a reconciliation detail from last month ending in September and have received information of mill levy money from Joel Schell. Kathy also passed out the amortization schedule for the District loan. There was some discussion and the Chairman advised it would be talked about under new business. A motion made and seconded to accept the financial report. Motion passed by all. NANCIE’S REPORT Nancie passed around the approved budget that her and Bill worked on and a copy of the senior center “wants”. The senior center board decided the order of those wants. The top six items on the list are what is needed to be done now. A motion was made and seconded to give money for operation-emergency funds to the management board for $40,000 to start the first 6 items of the wants list. Motion passed. Nancie passed out a draft of a Center newsletter. It should be out in the mail by the 1st of November. She added as much information as possible. The newsletters will be mailed to every resident of Converse County. Nancie advised the Center needs printers for the newsletter. She also advised that she would like to hire another person that would handle the newsletters, activities and communication. That person can be from either Glenrock or Douglas but needs to travel to both places. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion was held about the monthly payments to the Center. Tim reported that funds should increase in November and December and the District will begin the monthly payments in January to the Center as agreed upon. Website: Joanne reported that she and Nancie have been working on a website for the District. She needs a small write up for each Board member. Joanne stated the website will have a page for each month with all the information. She presented a bill for the domain name and Go Daddy to set up the website. A motion was made and seconded to reimburse Joanne $230.18 for her expenses. All in favor, motion passed. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Investment Policy: Tim talked to Leonard Holler about helping with the MOU and investment policies, he will meet with Tim and maybe Kathy in a few weeks. Motion was made by Kathy and seconded by Ron to use money if necessary, to meet with Mr. Holler to discuss the MOU and investment policy. Motion passed. OPEN DISCUSSION: The State Statute requires that Districts must have a Public Records Person. Bill made a motion that the treasurer will be our Public Records Person with the Chairman overseeing the information. Kathy will send a letter in to the State appointing Kathy. Motion seconded by Joanne. All in favor, motion passed. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:10 and passed by all. Respectfully submitted, Bill Canaday Next meeting November 18, 2019, 10:00 at the County Courthouse. (Meeting changed to third Monday due to Veteran’s Day.) Approved 11-18-2019 October Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Douglas Court House November 18, 2019 Members Present: Tim Ricker, Bill Canaday, Joanne Desmarais, Kathy Patceg, and Ron Yates Others Present: Nancie Fink, Sam Evans, Brian Shepard The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00 AM. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Bill and approved by all. FINANCIAL REPORT: Kathy passed out bank statements showing a check written to Joanne ($230.18) and Converse Aging Service ($40,000) for last month. A motion was made by Ron to accept the financial report and seconded by Bill and passed by all. OLD BUSINESS: Nancie explained that the first $40,000 was being used to start the top projects need at centers. She passed out a sheet on how money was used. Also, a distinction between county and city funding will be called district funding in the future but will still get county funding for November and December. The district will pick up in January and those funds will be different from county and city. Nancie stated that there is not much of a cushion at the end of the month, but enough to make payroll in two weeks. Newsletter is being worked on with 2 pages front and back. Using one part for people to respond with their address when they want to receive letters in the future. Nancie discussed table and chairs for each center with some equipment going to centers that need it. Nancie explained how money was being used in Douglas at this time. Parking lot tabled until spring. Nancie will get permission to have contractors come in and get numbers for work needed. Contractors need to be responsible for any sub contractors and permits need for projects. MOU: Tim talked to Leonard Holler about investments and Kathy will talk with Joel Schell, County Treasurer about the investment plan. NEW BUSINESS: Ron made a motion for a continuation for the wants list to supply $50,000 each month with approval each month and an invoice included monthly for other needs by District Board and motion seconded by Bill and passed by all. Kathy recommended we purchase an electronic sign that will inform the public how their money is being used from the mill levy money. Motion was made by Ron to pay for training for other members to go to Casper and seconded by Kathy and passed by all. There was a discussion to pay for training for Nancie and others as needed. Motion made to pay Julie Melder CPA $100 seconded and passed by all. A motion was made to adjourn and seconded at 11:00 and passed by all. Respectfully submitted, Bill Canaday Next meeting on December 9, 2019, at 10:00 at the Glenrock library meeting room. Approved 12-9-2019 November Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board Glenrock Library December 9, 2019 Members Present: Bill Canaday, Kathy Patceg, and Ron Yates Members Absent: Tim Ricker, Joanne Desmarais Others Present: Nancie Fink, Leslee Elliott The meeting was called to order by Ron Yates at 10:12. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Bill with changes adding Sam Evans and Brian Shepard in attendance. A motion made to accept minutes and approved by all. FINANCIAL REPORT: Kathy passed out bank statements showing a deposit from Property Tax Levy of $111,406.71 and $391,173.18 and checks to Julie Melder, CPA ($100.00) and Converse County Aging ($50,000.00) Kathy will talk to Joel about how the money will come in. Motion made to accept Financial Report and approved by all present. NANCIE FINK REPORT: Nancie passed out a spreadsheet showing how the money is being spent and what was approved by the Board with Xmas bonus, 12.5% in raises, salad bar, ice maker, and first payment for heating/plumb. If possible, Nancie will attend the Legislative meeting in Cheyenne. There is a need to have personnel in attendance. Nancie advised that there is a need for 2 (Hot Shot food service) vehicles. They must be a 4-wheel drive. She estimated each at about $46,000, one for Glenrock and one for Douglas. Nancie will get bid information for the next meeting. Some of the projects have been started with the tax levy money. There will be an invoice presented for the work or supplies done or purchased. A motion was made to provide money to replace the two Hot Shot food service vehicles by Bill seconded by Ron and passed by all present. OLD BUSINESS: Nancie’s report also covered this NEW BUSINESS: There is a need to have others that will be signers on checks. A motion was made by Bill and seconded by Ron to have all members of the District be a signer on checks and passed by all present. Nancie’s report will be added to the agenda after the Financial Report in future meetings. Kathy passed out the schedule for the 2020 meetings. Meetings for next year will be 10:00 on the 2nd Monday of each month, one-month Glenrock and next month Douglas. Kathy will send the schedule to the newspaper for publication. Ron got the key to the Glenrock library building and will be responsible for the year. Kathy shared a copy of an investment policy received by Joel Schell. A motion was made by Bill and seconded by Kathy to use the investment policy that Joel recommended and passed by all present. Kathy will fill in the policy with information for the District. Kathy brought up that members should go to District training on January 15th at 11:00 in the Ag Resource Learning Center in Casper to help with district training. The training will help district members understand their responsibilities. Discussion: Kathy wants to inform the public of what is going on with the mill levy money. Examples of signs on new Hot Shot vehicles, photos, and posts on the website and Facebook page. A motion was made to adjourn and seconded at 11:00 and passed by all present. Respectfully submitted, Bill Canaday Next meeting on January 13, 2020 at Converse County Courthouse at 107 North 5th Douglas, Wy. Approved January 14, 2019 December Bottom of Page
- Minutes 2018 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > General Business > Minutes 2018 Converse County Senior Citizen Service District's Minutes 2018 Converse County Senior Citizen Service District December 11, 2018 Douglas, Wyoming Members Present: Tim Ricker, Bill Canaday, Joanne Desmarais, Kathy Patceg Members Absent: Ron Yates Nominations were held: Tim Ricker – Chairman Ron Yates – Vice Chairman Bill Canaday – Secretary Kathy Patceg – Treasurer Joanne Desmarais – Member at Large Draw for terms of members: Tim Ricker – 4 years Bill Canaday – 4 years Joanne Desmarais – 2 years Kathy Patceg – 2 years Ron Yates – 2 years Kathy will ask the Senior Center Board to loan us $27.00 for the cost of our public hearing notice. Tim will donate a laptop for the secretary to use for minutes. Microsoft Word will be necessary for communications of minutes, etc. Kathy will contact the State Audit department and Hannah Swanbom for district training. Kathy will send out the bylaws that Platte County uses and change the name to Converse County. Everyone will review and make any changes they see fit and we will meet again to discuss them. Once our bylaws are accepted we will set up a meeting with the Senior Center Board and work toward a Memorandum of Understanding for the two Boards. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 14th in Douglas at the community room in the Courthouse at 10:00 AM. Tim will arrange the room with the County. Respectfully Submitted, Kathy Patceg December
- Board Policy 4020 | Converse County Senior Citizens Special Service District
Home > Policies and Procedures > Board Policy 4020 -Conflict of Intrest Board Policy 4020 Conflict of Interest Reference: WY Stat § 6-5-118 No member of the Board of Trustees shall receive any compensation or remuneration or derive any profit or gain by reason of Board membership or by reason of services to the District. Statute requires all public servants who invest funds for a unit of government, or who has authority to decide how public funds are invested, disclose any conflicts of interest. As such, all Board members must disclose any personal business, pecuniary benefit or financial interest he or she may have in any entity with which the District invests or deposits its funds and annually sign an affidavit disclosing such. Board Policy 4020 - Conflict of Interest: About Us