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Converse County Senior Citizen Special Service District's
Minutes 2021

Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board 
Douglas Senior Center 
January 11, 2021 
Amended - April 12, 2021 

Members present: Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Ron Yates, Lucile Taylor and Bill Canaday. Others present: Nancie Fink and Troy Hunsucker. The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00 AM. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. 

Financial Report: Kathy passed out the bank statement with the Reconciliation Detail showing everything balanced with $2,210,848.18 in the account. Kathy has included an expense by vendor detail for Lucile Taylor. Ron brought in the technology from Joanne Desmarais, former board member. Bills and claims from CCAS allocation, advertising, and the county clerk for the General Election. Bill moved to pay the bills and claims and accept the Financial report, Ron seconded, motion carried. 
Lucile Taylor and Kathy Patceg and Bill Canaday were sworn in as board members. New members were given the oath and Bill signed certificates of the Oaths of Office. 
Kathy introduced Troy Hunsucker (Regional Director, Marketing) from Wyoming Class to discuss the possible Public Fund investments. Troy explained different kinds of investments that are possible for the CCSCSDB. Troy explained options for different kinds of investment. 


Nancie's report: The sign is up and running in Douglas. A new computer was purchased. There is a need for more staff training as they learn how to use the technology so the public can read the information. Nancie showed maps of the parking lot showing ownership. Nancie needs to meet with different entities to find out how much money will come from each entity. Kathy made a motion to accept Nancie's report, Ron seconded, motion passed. Nancie said the van will be here at the end of January. Nancie explained that the architect said the center needed to clear up the boundaries or get permission from the Housing Authority complex or the City of Douglas before the remodeling project could move forward. She will visit with the City of Douglas first. 
Old business: The sign in Douglas is up and running. MOU was passed around for signatures and Nancie will pass onto the CCAS board for signatures. Kathy has visited with the CPA about the FY 20 Audit report several times. The audit report needs Tim's signature before it is sent to the state. Tim talked about mileage reimbursement for private vehicles going to meetings in Douglas, Glenrock and other places. Lucile will bring information pertaining to mileage reimbursements. 


New business: Election of officers for the year 2021. Lucile made a motion to keep the officers' members the same as in the past for calendar year 2021, Tim seconded, motion carried. Lucile and Tim will go to the bank and see about interest from the bank. Kathy was advised that investment policy needs to follow state guidelines. Tim asked if the Payne Plaza could use the center if there was a power outage. Ron brought the returned computer and printer from Joanne. No one had a need for the computer. Kathy will not be at the next meeting. Tim has the check book if needed. Kathy moved to add Lucile's name to the bank account, Ron seconded, motion carried. 

Ron moved to adjourn, Kathy seconded, motion carried. 

Respectfully Submitted, 
Bill Canaday, Secretary 
Tim Ricker, Chairman 



Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board 
February 15, 2021 
Glenrock Senior Center 

Members present: Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Lucile Taylor and Bill Canaday Member absent: Kathy Patceg Others present: Nancie Fink and Sam Evans 
The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00 a.m. Minutes of the last meeting were approved and order filed. Bill did not have the oath to swear in Ron and said he would look for that and bring it to the next meeting. 


Financial Report: Lucile gave the bank statement with a balance of $2,437,250.74 and a credit from Converse County Treasurer for $226,984.78. Checks were paid to Aging Services for $75,000, check deposit for $234.00 from Joann, warrant for $420 to Douglas Budget, $536.44 to County Clerk for election, interest $140.22 at .07% and balance $2.437,250.74. Bills and claims were paid. Bill made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Tim, motion carried. 
Tim read the letter from the Converse County Bank about the formal application that authorizes the pledging of securities in excess of $250,000. Motion made to accept Resolution of Board of Directors by Lucile and seconded by Ron, motion carried. The Resolution of the Board of Directors paperwork was signed and will be returned to CCB. Tim stated he would like a new computer to use for district business. 


Nancie's report: Nancie passed out the Balance Sheet from Converse County Aging Services, Inc. Nancie provided information on what needs to be paid. The transmission went out on the van. Nancie stated the bills have been paid and will present invoices at our next meeting. The new van might be here by the end of February. Nancie brought January financials to look at. Tim and Nancie met with the City of Douglas and the city will do what is necessary to move forward with projects. Nancie explained there will be some changes made to the projects after meeting with the city. There will be changes to costs after final changes by architects. The garage was discussed and the thought was to move forward even though it is different from the remodel project. By moving forward, the Board can see how the garage will fit with the current project. 
Old business: Lucile passed out the form for Mileage Reimbursement for business trips and explained that everyone needs to be consistent. IRS mileage is $.56/mile for FY 2021. Lucile thought we should have policies in place first and will bring additional information to the next meeting. 


New business: A special district notice was received for February 24-25 in Cheyenne for Conservation District Employee Certification Training. One can go on the website and make reservations. Ron gave a summary of the agenda. Tim expressed an interest in going. Ron made a motion to pay expenses for the trip in a sum of $600.00 and if it is more, the district will pay, seconded by Lucile, motion carried. 
Lucile will check into getting a credit card from the bank. Ron stated he would like to get the computer back from Nancie that Joann had. Nancie will get it to Ron. There was discussion about buying equipment for the current project and storing to help with potential savings since there may be price increases later. 
Ron moved to adjourn, Lucile seconded, motion carried. 

Tim Ricker, President 
Bill Canaday, Secretary 



Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board 
Douglas Senior Center 
March 8, 2021 

Members present: Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Lucile Taylor and Bill Canaday Members absent: Ron Yates
Others present: Nancie Fink

The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00 a.m. 

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with corrections. 

Discussion of Records: Kathy will make corrections to the Investment Policy and bring it to the next meeting. Kathy is the public records person for requests. The minutes of all meetings will be signed by the President and Secretary. The minutes need to be kept forever. Bill stated the minutes are in a 3 ring binder and in folders on his computer. The records are hard copy and digital. Lucile said we should have a limit for length of time to keep other records as determined by State Archives. 

Financial Report: Kathy stated that the bank statement for January was in order. Kathy passed out the February bank statement and everything is good. We received interest on our account totaling $573.21 for February. Tim went to a meeting in Cheyenne on February 25th and explained his costs and will turn in his expenses. Tim will give back any money he did not use for the trip and will deposit it in the bank. Motion made by Lucile, seconded by Bill to pay bills and claims of $150.00 WY Association for Conservation membership fee; $70.60 for mileage for Tim's expenses; CCAS allocation of $75,000; final payment for sign $24,601; and permit fee for sign $3,101 to Converse County Aging Services, passed by all. Motion made by Bill to accept Financial Report, seconded by Lucile and passed by all. Tim stated that there will still be more revenue coming in from FY 21. 


Nancie's report: Nancie discussed the funding sources for the Glenrock parking lot improvements. Nancie is sending information to 5 construction companies for bids. She will go to several different meetings in that parking lot. Nancie stated that Casper and George would go to the City of Douglas to see if they could fix potholes in Douglas parking lot for public safety. Nancie stated that the 2 boards have done a good job moving forward. The new vehicle was discussed without an exact date for delivery and there will be an additional charge due to changes. 
Old business: Nancie brought in visual aids for the Glenrock parking lot to show ownership. Kathy stated that the Audit report will be coming soon, along with a bill. Lucile discussed the mission and vision statements related to the proposed policy. Kathy had questions and the group discussed what needs to be done and changes that need to be clarified. Changes need to be made to reflect the state law. Suggestion made to adopt policy and attach MOU. Lucile will do some research for clarification on what happens if there is a change in all board members. 


New business: There was discussion on the sale of old vehicles with more information to follow. Kathy passed out FY 21 Fiscal Year Budget sheets to compare with Nancie's report to see what has changed with cost for the updates and other work. Kathy stated that our Audit/accounting costs may increase. The virus scan needs to be updated and Kathy will look into it. The signatures for the Credit Card Application were obtained and the application will go back to the Converse County Bank. 
Bill moved to adjourn, Kathy seconded, motion carried. 

Tim Ricker, President 
Bill Canaday, Secretary 



Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board 
April 12, 2021 
Glenrock Senior Center 

Members present: Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Lucile Taylor, Kathy Patceg and Bill Canaday 
Others present: Nancie Fink 

The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00 a.m. 
The minutes of the last meeting were approved with corrections (last line, first page "to" will be replaced with "on") and order filed.. Kathy did an amendment to the January minutes to take Bill off as being sworn in as new board member and updated the February minutes.. Motion made by Ron to accept all changes, seconded by Kathy, motion carried. 
Kathy stated the virus protections have expired on our computers. It was suggested to download the free Avast and CCleaner. 


Financial Report: Kathy passed out the Converse County Bank statement. The Reconciliation Summary was up to date. Kathy passed out the Bills and Claims for review.. Kathy had an additional invoice for the Dodge Van, $53,552.00.. Lucile stated she would like to see a comparison of expenditures compared to the adopted budget. Lucile moved to accept the financial report, seconded by Ron, motion carried. 
Nancie's report: Nancie discussed the problems she has encountered in making payments to the IRS.. Nancie stated the last payment of $265,675.41 should be the final one.. Board members had questions about the IRS that Nancie answered.. Nancie did not go to the Glenrock Town Council meeting about the Barber Apartment shared parking lot.. 


Old business: Ron Yates was given the Oath of Office by Bill. 
New business: Kathy will notify Matt Adelman, the Douglas Budget, of the budgeting work session. 
Kathy will see if she can tweak the investment policy and talk to Troy about investments before the committee meets.. Ron will be in charge of the committee with Kathy and Lucile also serving. There will be more research into investment companies by having them present their plans. 
Kathy passed out the proposed budget worksheets and discussed income and expenses page by page. Lucile suggested that there should be a distinction made in the minutes for historical purposes about which town is being referenced on projects. 


Kathy will contact the Douglas Budget to get an annual contract for the legal notices. Kathy will check about bonding for those on the checking account. She will also check on the website. Nancie will update her balance sheet for individual projects to show what has been paid and what remains to be paid per project. Nancie will provide an itemized breakdown for projects (budgeted and spent). Lucile suggested that the vehicles being disposed of need to go out for bid so there is a justification for new vehicles. 
There will be a budget work session, Thursday April, 22 at Glenrock Senior Center at 10:00 a.m. Nancie will show her Board the budget and explain it at their next meeting. It was suggested by Lucile to look at policies in the next meeting. 


Lucile will contact the Local Government Liability Pool to see if there is liability coverage they offer that this Board should purchase. 
Bill moved to adjourn, Ron seconded, motion carried. 

Tim Ricker, President 
Bill Canaday, Secretary 



Converse County Senior Citizen Service District Board 
Douglas Senior Center 
May 10, 2021 

Members present: Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Lucile Taylor, Bill Canaday and Ron Yates 
Others present: Nancie Fink, Sally Suppes 
The meeting was called to order by Tim at 10:00a.m.
Sally Suppes from Travelers presented the Nonprofit Directors and Officers Liability coverage plans that could work for this board in case there was a lawsuit. The total would be about $1,500 for protection for a year for all board members. Lucile stated she would agree, but would like to revisit this after a year and see if there are different rates and if it is needed. There was discussion about bonding for the funds held by this board. Sally will give us a quote from Fidelity and Crime Coverage and Nonprofit Directors and Officers Liability for bonding. 
The minutes of the last meeting were read by Bill. Kathy moved to accept, seconded by Lucile, motion carried with corrections. 


Financial Report: Kathy passed out the Converse County Bank statement. There is an additional deposit of $187,552.97 for a total of $2,083,289.97 which will be on the next statement. There was an additional check to pay for ink for Bill. Tim moved to accept the financial report, seconded by Bill, motion carried. 
Nancie's report: Nancie passed out the "wants” sheets from surveys that the seniors took at the centers. There may be some additional costs from the "wants” list, discussion followed. Nancie stated that the price was locked in for the kitchen equipment and it could cost less to complete. There are additional funds needed for racks for the thrift stores (Tim stated his wife would agree) and snow removal. Nancie will go to the Rec Center Board meeting to see about the digital sign in Glenrock. 


Old business: Ron will fill out the public investment paperwork. Nancie stated that the bid for the Glenrock parking lot has gone out; the potholes need to be filled at the centers; and improvements to the Douglas Senior Center will happen one project at a time. 
New business: Kathy talked about the Proposed Budget for the next fiscal year. Ron suggested a building fund and Kathy will talk and look into it. It was suggested to have operating and reserve funds in separate accounts and possibly have a building fund. 
Tim moved to adjourn, seconded by Lucile, motion carried.

Tim Ricker, President 
Bill Canaday, Secretary 



Converse County Senior Citizen Service District 
Glenrock Senior Center 
June 14, 2021 

The regular meeting was called to order by President Tim Ricker at 10:05 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. 


Minutes of the May 10, 2021 meeting were read. Kathy moved to accept, Lucile seconded, motion carried. 

Bill Canady's resignation letter was read. Ron moved to accept, Kathy seconded, motion carried. 

Kathy passed out the Financial Report, reflecting 4 warrants issued, plus interest earned. The balance is $1,936,458.90. Lucile moved to accept, Ron seconded, motion carried. 


Nancie was absent so there was no report from her. 


This Board requested a 2 mil levy from the County for the FY 22 budget. Funds will be for operations and earmarked accounts. 

The next meeting will be July 12, 2021 in Douglas. 

Lucile moved to adjourn, Ron seconded, motion carried. 

Tim Ricker, President 
Ron Yates, Acting Secretary 



Converse County Senior Citizen Service District 
July 12, 2021 
Douglas Senior Center 

The regular meeting was called to order by President Tim Ricker at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Ron Yates and Lucile Taylor. Guests present were Nancie Fink and George Smith. 

A Public Hearing was held at 9:00 a.m. at the Douglas Senior Center for the FY 22 proposed budget. There was no public in attendance. Kathy will update the FY 22 budget to reflect it as adopted and will send it to the State of WY and Converse County. 

Lucile moved to accept the minutes of the June 12, 2021 meeting with corrections, Kathy seconded, motion carried. 


Kathy provided a financial report: June 30, 2021 account balance, $2,807,580.04 which includes $646.97 in interest. Warrants were approved as submitted. Ron moved to accept the financial report, Lucile seconded, motion carried. 

Parking lots: nothing to report. 


Nancie's report: The Douglas dining room construction project will start July 13. The bid advertisement went out for the Douglas kitchen remodel. There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting on July 20th at 2:00 p.m. with bids being accepted until July 28, 2021 at 2:15 p.m. 

The mill levy tax distribution for June 2021 was $88,815.64. 

Kathy will place an advertisement in both newspapers to replace Bill Cannady, who resigned from this Board on June 13, 2021. 


Lucile was appointed to fill the secretary position which was vacated with Bill's resignation. 

Lucile suggested that this Board meet with the CC Aging Services Board to discuss remodel and other projects that were funded in FY 21 and FY 22. The question is what can realistically be accomplished? Is someone needed to help Nancie oversee these projects? Lucile's concern was the large revenue balance in the account and, even though the funds have been allocated to various projects, it doesn't look good to have so much money on hand. Should the projects be prioritized? The remodel projects are taking a long time to be completed due to still existing Covid problems, receiving materials and scheduling contractors. 
This Board will try to meet with the CC Aging Services Board at their meeting in Glenrock at 1:00 p.m. on August 19, 2021 to discuss projects. 

Lucile moved to adjourn at 10:53 a.m., Ron seconded, motion carried. 

Tim Ricker, President 
Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary


Converse County Senior Citizen Service District 
August 10, 2021 
Glenrock Senior Center 

The regular meeting was called to order by Vice President Ron Yates at 10:00 a.m. Present were Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor, absent was Tim Ricker. Guests present were Nancie Fink. Dana Lythgoe joined the meeting a bit later. 

Nancie stated the CC Aging Services Board meeting was changed to August 26, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at the Douglas Center. 


Kathy moved to accept the minutes of the July 12, 2021 meeting, Ron seconded, motion carried. 

Kathy gave the financial report and reviewed various projects and dollars spent. She will modify that spreadsheet to show completed projects as they were deleted on her report. Nancie discussed the projects and her desire to involve her Board more with decisions. Lucile moved to accept the financial reports, Ron seconded, motion carried. 


Kathy will check on the status of the insurance coverage for the Board. She will also get with Troy for his suggestions to modify the investment policy so this Board can start investing funds.. Lucile will ask County Treasurer Joel Schell for his thoughts on investments. 

Nancie reiterated her desire to have her board be more involved with decisions on projects. On the kitchen remodel, she believed the Senior Center paid the $75,000 for the architect. We discussed this as it applies to an overall cost of a project. Should we know this so that there is a total project cost when there are payments from two different entities? 


Nancie offered the following invites to this Board: 
August 29, 2021, Ayres Natural Bridge Park, staff picnic beginning around 10am.
August 31,2021, Ayres Natural Bridge Park, Senior picnic, 11a(ish). 
Bring a covered dish. Lucile stated there needed to be action on the procedures she presented. She will distribute again via email. 


Lucile moved to adjourn at 11:10 a.m., Kathy seconded, motion carried.


Ron Yates, Vice-President 
Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary 


Converse County Senior Citizen Service District 
September 13, 2021 
Douglas, Wyoming 

The regular meeting was called to order by President Tim Ricker at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Guest present was Nancie Fink. 

Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2021 meeting, Ron seconded, discussion followed about clarification on the architectural fees and the kitchen remodel costs as there appears to be some confusion. Lucile will address the corrections in the minutes of this meeting rather than redoing the August 10th minutes, motion carried. 


Corrections to minutes of August 10, 2021: The $75,000 architectural fee is being paid in increments by CCAS as work is completed; therefore, that amount has not been totally expended. The kitchen equipment cost has been paid. That cost was paid by this Board. 


Kathy presented the financials reflecting a balance of $2,671,378.32 as of August 31, 2021. Ron moved to accept the financial report and the payment of bills as presented. Lucile seconded, motion carried. 

Old business: Glenrock parking lot, no progress, hopefully, work will start in late fall to be completed this calendar year; Douglas kitchen remodel, work is in progress. 

The Investment Policy was discussed and the Board decided to adopt and then submit amendments if needed.

Lucile moved to adopt the Investment Policy, Ron seconded, motion carried. 

After some discussion, Lucile moved to rescind the motion made by Bill Canady on December 13, 2020 to invest $50,000 with Ally Bank Utah, Kathy seconded, motion carried. (A copy of those minutes is attached for reference.) 


The credit card is now available for use by this Board. 


New Board member: no applications at this time. The application for consideration to be appointed to this Board was distributed by Kathy. 


Nancie will try to get on the agenda to meet with the Glenrock Town Council about the sign for the Glenrock Center. Ideally, CCAS would like to have it on the Rec Center property for visibility, but there has been some push back from them. 

The FY 22 Budget and projects were reviewed and discussed. Nancie will provide a copy to her Board at their next meeting. 


Nancie stated that she and Cheryl Schwartzkopf, CC Weed & Pest, had met and looked at the weed and landscaping concerns at both centers. The Glenrock parking lot remodel may cause issues with the landscaping on the hillside. 


Kathy stated she was not getting return calls in reference to the proposal for the Board's liability insurance coverage. Ron and Lucile will get her a couple of more names. 


Ron moved to approve the Policies and Procedures that Lucile put forth for consideration, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Lucile will put them in a notebook and will print a set for each member, as well as Nancie. 

Because the Investment Policy was adopted, this Board can now invest funds in various approved programs according to Wyoming State law. The Board agreed to initially invest in WYO-STAR which is administered by the Wyoming State Treasurer. Once we have our account number, this Board, at their next meeting, will decide on a dollar amount to invest. Kathy will send in the application and let us know if it is accepted or if more information is needed. 


Ron moved to adjourn at 11:32 a.m., Lucile seconded, motion carried. 

Tim Ricker, President 
Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary



Converse County Senior Citizen Service District 
October 18, 2021
Glenrock, Wyoming 

The regular meeting was called to order by President Tim Ricker at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Guest present was Dana Lythgoe. 

Kathy moved to accept the minutes of the September 13, 2021; Ron seconded, motion carried. 

Kathy presented the financials. The September 30, 2021 balance is $2,591,682.68 which included $647.14 in interest earned and $9,867.22 in tax distribution funds from the County Treasurer. Bills were presented and approved. 


Tim encouraged Board members to actively seek a new member. Lucile shared the names for a couple of possibilities. 


Dana, CCAS (representing Nancie), said the next major project is the Glenrock kitchen remodel.. 

Lucile shared that she would be going through information on the Records Retention schedule from the State Archives for this special district and will share that information so that our records are retained as required. 

Kathy moved to have Lucile become the Public Information person for our district; Ron seconded, motion carried. Note: Kathy is currently that person. She will notify the State of the change. 

The WYO-STAR project is still moving forward. Hopefully, by the next meeting, the required form will have been accepted by the WY State Treasurer's Office and we can begin investing.


Lucile moved to adjourn at 11:00 a.m.; Ron seconded, motion carried. 

Tim Ricker, President 
Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary 



Converse County Senior Citizen Service District 
November 8, 2021
Douglas, Wyoming 

President Tim Ricker called the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Kathy Patceg, Lucile Taylor and guest Nancie Fink. Ron Yates was excused. 

Kathy moved to accept the minutes of October 11, 2021, Tim seconded, motion carried. 


Mr. Troy Hunsucker, Peaks Investment Management, discussed options for investing funds. His company specializes in working with local governments. He discussed Wyoming Class offerings and its flexibility. Funds cannot be invested for more than 270 days. He also discussed Long Term Investments and said there is an option to split maturity dates. LTI funds can be withdrawn early without penalty. Mr. Hunsucker will send Kathy the application. He will also review our Investment Policy. Lucile will check with Joel, CC Treasurer, to find the current best investment options. Note, investments are discussed in WSS 9-4-831. 


Kathy presented the financial report. The current balance is $2,609,720.59 which includes $668.23 in interest and $107,519.37 from the County Treasurer. Bills were approved as presented. Lucile moved to accept the financial report, Kathy seconded, motion carried. Kathy said that our auditor, Julie Melder, is available if we would like her to attend one of our meetings 


Prospective board member: Leonard Hollar was suggested .

Nancie's update. The Douglas dining room may open in mid-December. There may be a grand opening sometime in the first part of January. She updated us on the status of other projects that we are funding. The next major project may be the remodeling of the Glenrock dining room. 


Tim will be attending the WY Assn of Special Districts' meeting in Casper. Lucile will work on the Retention Schedule for Special Districts. 


Kathy will check with Joanne about the website that was purchased so we can pursue a website for this special district. 


Lucile moved to adjourn at 11:55 a.m., Kathy seconded, motion carried. 

Tim Ricker, President 
Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary 



Converse County Senior Citizen Service District 
December 13, 2021 
Glenrock, Wyoming

The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. Present were Tim Ricker, Ron Yates, Kathy Patceg and Lucile Taylor. Guest present was Dana Lythgoe. 


Kathy moved to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2021 meeting. Ron seconded, motion carried. 

Kathy provided the financial report. Claims were approved for payment as submitted. The bank balance at the end of November was $2,883,641.64 which included tax revenue of $427,468.08; interest of $700.42; and disbursements of $154,247.45. Lucile moved to approve the contract and payment of $330 to Brennin Clark, dba 4-Optimization for the website development and Joanne Demarais for $359.76 as payment for the GoDaddy website project, Ron seconded, motion carried. Ron moved to accept the financial report, Lucile seconded, motion carried. 


New member options: Cherie Reese and Kim Hiser. 


Kathy has made contact with Mr. Troy Hunsucker, Peaks Investment Management, for required documents. The Board is also looking at investing funds in WYOSTAR. Lucile moved to invest $50,000 with Peaks Investment pending their signing the contract and $50,000 in WYOSTAR pending an account number and any other required details, Kathy seconded, motion carried. 

Lucile moved to nominate the current officers to serve terms ending in November 2022, Ron seconded, motion carried. The officers will be Tim Ricker, President; Ron Yates, Vice-President; Kathy Patceg, Treasurer; and Lucile Taylor, secretary. 

Kathy moved to approve the 2022 meeting dates as submitted, Ron seconded, motion carried. Copies will be provided to the Douglas Budget and will be posted at the Courthouse.


Dana Lythgoe, CC Aging Services, updated the opening for the Douglas dining room, which may be around mid-January, 2022. She also updated other projects. Questions arose if invoices are required to reimburse CCAS when they paid for items that the District had built into its budget. Lucile will check with an auditor. 

Lucile moved to adjourn at 10:54 a.m., Ron seconded, motion carried. 

Tim Ricker, President 
Lucile K. Taylor, Secretary 


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